Remediating contaminated sites requires careful consideration of numerous site-specific factors and constraints, regulatory requirements, as well as client-specific objectives. TechSolve has a proven ability to successfully apply practical solutions and anticipate regulatory requirements based on our knowledge and  experience with a wide variety of site conditions and remedial technologies and techniques. We apply the same degree of technical defensibility, integrity, and project management accountability, whether a site involves a single underground storage tank or a multi-million dollar remediation project. Our experienced environmental team has produced successful site closures by tailoring solutions to the needs of the client, the conditions of the site, the regulatory requirements, and negotiations with regulatory agencies.

Petroleum Tank Farm Superfund Site
For over twenty-five years, TechSolve staff members have been providing ongoing environmental services to address petroleum and metal contamination at an operating petroleum  bulk fuel storage Superfund site in Seattle, Washington.

  • Investigations have been completed for groundwater, surface water, marine sediment, and soil.
  • Remedial actions include product recovery, soil excavation, natural attenuation, soil vapor extraction, and air sparging.
  • Extensive monitoring of groundwater, surface water, and soil vapor to support transitioning from active remediation to only monitoring and ultimately site closure. 

Wood Treatment Superfund Site, Bozeman, Montana

  • Investigation activities, public relations activities, and agency negotiations saved the client approximately $5 million in cleanup costs.
  • Remedial activities included extraction and treatment of groundwater and product, reinjection of nutrient-enhanced groundwater to promote in situ biodegradation, soil flushing, soil excavation, and land-farming bio- treatment of soils

Home Improvement Retailer, Seattle, Washington

  • Conducted investigation of soil and groundwater impacts from leaking underground storage tank site.
  • Conducted remedial actions, including soil excavation, soil vapor extraction and groundwater monitoring.
  • Remedial actions reduced contaminant concentrations at relatively low cost to the client and with minimal impacts on current site activities.
  • Obtained “no further action” determination from Department of Ecology.
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