Former Drycleaner Site Remediation, Seattle, WA

This former drycleaner site contaminated with perchloroethylene (PCE) was being redeveloped with a mixed-use retail and condominium building. TechSolve was retained to evaluate a previous consultant’s work and develop an appropriate remediation plan. The existing soil and groundwater data was reinterpreted, and modeling was used to identify areas of remaining contamination. Through a renewed presentation of the data and open communication, a previously negative history with the regulatory agency was turned into a positive and productive relationship.

Remedial activities consisted of engineering, design, construction, and operation of an innovative in-situ remediation system that was suited to the site conditions and limitations during redevelopment. Following completion of groundwater performance and compliance monitoring, a No Further Action determination was obtained from the Washington State Department of Ecology.

Key Project Elements:

  • Assessment of Soil and Groundwater
  • Remedial Design and Implementation
  • Regulatory Agency Negotiations
  • No Further Action (NFA)
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