Auto Repair Shop, Bothell, WA

Auto Repair Shop, Bothell, WA

TechSolve completed Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and an investigation of drain lines at this property, which had been occupied by an auto repair shop since the 1960s. The Phase I and Phase II ESAs included evaluation of typical auto shop features, including hydraulic lifts, parts washers, and tanks and drums containing oil and other vehicle fluids. In addition, items discarded down a steep, overgrown hillside were characterized to evaluate the potential for contamination. Soil samples were collected from borings completed in and around the shop building and were analyzed for potential contaminants associated with auto repair activities.

An assessment of floor drains revealed a break in a drain line that discharged to a stormwater system. The drains and drain lines were capped to prevent further discharges. Soil samples collected along the drain line were analyzed to identify whether a release had occurred. Based on the results of the drain line investigations, a No Further Action (NFA) determination was obtained from the Washington State Department of Ecology.

Key Project Elements:

  • Phase I and Phase II ESAs
  • Investigation of Underground Drain Lines
  • NFA Determination
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